2012. 11. 10.


16. alkalommal rendeztük meg a város iskolái számára a 14 éves korosztály körében kommunikációs angol nyelvi versenyünket.

The tradition of the Piarist English Competition started by Mrs. Erzsébet Weninger 16 years ago is being kept alive thanks to Miss Beáta Tóth's devoted work.

First, the students and their teachers were welcomed at 14 o'clock at the Piarist Primary School at Czollner tér on 9th November. The topic was entertainment and a project work was required to be done. There were many imaginative and thoughtful project works displayed and it seemed evident that the students had spent long hours researching and working on them.

During the competition, the students had to complete many different tasks and when they finished they could listen to Mr. Andrew Chandler's interesting lecture about the connection between poppies and the Second World War. As we were waiting for the results we had some light refreshments and a nice chat with our new friends from the different schools.

The students entered the competition both individually and as representatives of their school, consequently both results were evaluated. We would like to congratulate the Corvina Mátyás Király School for winning in both categories of the competition. Minkó Roland won the first and Molnár Alexandra achieved the second place individually.

We were very happy to congratulate to Edua Beckwick for her third place in the individual competition and Hanna Mikulás for winning the third place in the competition for the school. 

Köszönjük a szervezők, különösen Tóth Beáta tanárnő és a többi közreműködő kolléga munkáját, a nyolcadikos diákok és Szakálos Máté közreműködését, valamint  a versenyre nevező iskolák tanárainak felkészítő munkáját.

Submitted by mikulas.domonkos on